
Presentation at Rockville Memorial Library, Maryland.

Book talk at Politics and Prose Bookstore, Washington, DC.

History class at Norwich University, Vermont.
Delivering Presentations To A Wide Variety Of Audiences
Author Plumb has delivered presentations about his books to a wide variety of audiences. Those have included: community and neighborhood organizations, bookstores, Life Long Learning groups, Civil War Roundtables, libraries, museums and historical societies. These presentations included both in-person and “virtual” formats. Generally, these presentations have been limited to members of the sponsoring organization and are not open to the public.
If your group would like to schedule a presentation on The Better Angels or Your Brother in Arms, contact the author using the Contact the Author page on this website. In your request, please include: preferred date (s) and time (s), the book topic and preference for in-person or “virtual” presentation.